Tuesday, January 10, 2012

Upcoming 2012 book releases

I'm thinking that 2012 is going to be another great year for new books, mostly because of promos, previews, and reviews I've seen of upcoming releases. Here are a few that I'm really looking forward to:

This debut novel by Eowyn Ivey looks very promising.  The Snow Child will be released on 2/1/12. I've already pre-ordered my copy, and I'm looking forward to snuggling up on the couch with this story on a cold winter day. Take a look at the book trailer if you're interested.

Lucy Worsley is a British historian who spends her time researching old homes and estates in England.  The concept was turned into a BBC series, and now those findings are being published in book form.  Here is Worsley's BBC page about why she does what she does and why old houses and daily life customs are so important to study.  If Walls Could Talk will be released on 2/28/12.

Those of you who read my Weetzie Bat post earlier this year know that Francesca Lia Block is one of my favorite writers and Weetzie Bat is one of my favorite books.  With Pink Smog, Francesca Lia Block has written a prequel to the Weetzie Bat story and the Dangerous Angels Series.  I pre-ordered mine long ago and I can't wait to get it on 1/24/12!

Jeanette Winterson's memoir that will be released on 3/6/12.  I highly recommend reading Oranges Are Not the Only Fruit first, though.