Wednesday, May 23, 2012

You Don't Sweat Much for a Fat Girl by Celia Rivenbark

     I've been a fan of Celia Rivenbark for many years now - how could I resist a southern humorist's "observations on life from the shallow end of the pool?'  With her latest collection of essays, she once again delivers delicious sarcasm, a shameless sense of humor, and of course, southern charm.  She even share a few recipes with readers between quick-witted jabs at just about every reality TV star, and hilarious sucker punches aimed at well-deserving politicians, such as former South Carolina Governor Mark Sanford.  The bastard had it coming, bless his heart!

     I read most of this book aloud to my husband on a road trip this past weekend, and Ms. Rivenbark's hilarious book had us both practically in tears as we cruised along I-40.  Needless to say, our 3 hour road trip felt more like 30 minutes with the wonderful distractions this book offered.  My favorite chapter consists of Celia's musings on "Puppy Tweets," an electronic dog collar that generates tweets when activated by your dog's barking and movements.  Click that puppy tweets link if you don't believe me! That shit is real!  But what about social networking opportunities for cats, you ask?  Don't worry, Celia addresses those concerns as well.

     For Celia Rivenbark, no topic is off limits.  Whether it's politics, sex, menopause, or Snuggies, You Don't Sweat Much for a Fat Girl has something for everyone.  And if you're offended by any of Celia's remarks, rest assured that she does not care. At all.  But how could you be offended by such a sweet, trash-talking southern woman??  Native southerners have embraced Ms. Rivenbark for years, and if you're not from the south, first of all, I'm sorry....and second, Celia's little words of wisdom will give you the urge to mix up a pitcher of sweet tea and find a nice, breezy porch where you can experience the south according to Celia.  You Don't Sweat Much for a Fat Girl is not my favorite of her books (I'm partial to Belle Weather and Bless Your Heart, Tramp), but it still offers a great deal of entertainment and keeps me hoping that Celia Rivenbark will always remain one of the most opinionated women this side of the Mason Dixon line.

Overall Rating: