Tuesday, September 6, 2011

Decatur Book Festival Report.

   Hey everybody sorry I've been away from my computer for a while, but I've been at the Decatur Book Festival in Decatur, GA with my mother-in-law and sister-in-law. There was a lot going on, but we managed to hear a few author readings and get some books signed! I got the opportunity to meet Karen Russell, author or Swamplandia! and St. Lucy's Home for Girls Raised by Wolves.  She read from the first chapter of Swamplandia!, which I have not read yet but am looking forward to.  We also got to hear from Tom Perrotta, author of the new book The Leftovers, which is about the people who are left behind in a strange rapture-like event.  A lot of children's book authors were there, including Judy Schachner and Eric Litwin.  I really wanted a copy of Wildwood, which is by the lead singer of The Decemberists, Colin Meloy and illustrated by his wife, Carson Ellis, but since he was the keynote speaker, all the signed copies of his book were snatched up pretty early. But my sister-in-law is going to check some local bookstores for me to see if she can find a few strays.

   The Decatur Book Festival had way more activities than we could attend, but the highlight of the even for me was getting to see (and meet) Clyde Edgerton, author of the new book The Night Train.
If you ever get a chance to see Clyde Edgerton at an author event, you seriously better go. It was one of the most entertaining author readings I have ever attended.  He told stories and jokes, sang, danced, played live music, music recordings, and even read to us a little.  It was hilarious and I cannot wait to read The Night Train (which Mr. Edgerton signed for me! Eeek!)  We got to see a lot of really talented people on this book binge and I would definitely recommend taking this trip to any bibliophile. I hope to return next year (and take more money with me as Atlanta shopping is pretty much the best).